N P3 PRR T1 4-4-4-4 Steam Loco #5548 DC/DCC Sound
Broadway Limited Imports is proud to present
the PRR T1 4-4-4-4 steam locomotive into the new Paragon3 family.
Equipped with full sound and Rolling ThunderTM for DC and DCC, this
unique loco will be a sure crowd pleaser. History: The Pennsylvania
Railroad T1 4-4-4-4 may look and sound like an articulated steam
locomotive, but it really was a rigid frame locomotive with a second
pair of cylinders dividing the drivers, making it a duplex drive
locomotive. The design was a successful one and after a trial of two
locomotives, the PRR ordered 50 more. Our models represent the
production locomotives, as they appeared in the 1950s.
Industry-Leading Features:
Product Information:
- NEW Paragon3 Sound &
Operation System FEATURING ROLLING THUNDERTM with Authentic Sounds
and Prototypical Operation in both DC and DCC environments - Integral DCC Decoder
with Back EMF for Industry Best Slow Speed Operation in DC and DCC - Precision Drive
Mechanism engineered for continuous heavy load towing and smooth slow
speed operation - Premium Caliber Painting
with Authentic Paint Schemes - Prototypical Light
Operation with Golden White LED Headlight, Rear Light
- Die Cast Body with Die
Cast chassis for Maximum Tractive Effort - (2) Operating
MicroTrains #1015 or Compatible Couplers - Separately Applied
Handrails, Ladders, Whistle, and Brass Bell - Will Operate on Code 55,
70, and 80 Rail - Recommended Minimum
Radius: 9.75 inches
Industry-Leading SOUND
- Operates in DC & DCC (use
DCMaster for DC Sound) - Record & Play Operation
– Records and plays back sounds and movements once or repeatedly for
automatic operation - 16-bit Sample Rate for
exceptional high frequency sound clarity - Playback Whistle for
multiple whistle lengths and patterns - Choice of 3 selectable Whistles
- Alternate Whistle / Horn
where applicable for locomotive with air horn and steam whistle – both
the main whistle and alternate can be easily played - Adjustable bell ringing interval
for faster or slower bell - Numerous user-mappable
functions with available keys - Johnson Bar or Power Reverse Sound
at Direction Change - Passenger Station Ambient Sounds –
Controlled with Function Key - Freight Yard related radio chatter
– Controlled with Function Key - Lumber Yard Ambient Sounds –
Controlled with Function Key - Farm related radio chatter –
Controlled with Function Key - Crew Radio Communications –
Controlled with Function Key - Maintenance Yard related radio chatter
– Controlled with Function Key - Demo Mode for display and
demonstrations - Grade Crossing
Signal – Controlled with Function Key - Simple Programming with
Integral DCC Decoder - Automatic Forward / Reverse Signal –
When activated, stopping triggers and stop whistle toot. When
moving forward from a stopped position, toots twice. When
moving in reverse, toots three times. - Chuff sound
intensity varies with load - Individually adjustable sound volumes
for most effects
**Specifications on this
page subject to change.